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Producing a Disney Film At Age 27, Elevating Humanity, & How YOU Can Choose Your Emotions + Use A Paintbrush To Create Your Dream Life… w/ Susanne Goldstein

“The first ever conversation I had with today’s guest was about Octopi for a solid 15 minutes. Within SECONDS, I knew we would be friends, and I’ve continued to have INCREDIBLE and mind-expanding conversations with her.”

The first ever conversation I had with today’s guest was about Octopi for a solid 15 minutes.

Within SECONDS, I knew we would be friends, and I’ve continued to have INCREDIBLE and mind-expanding conversations with her.

Her name is Susanne Goldstein, and she’s the definition of Beyond Curious.

As she says, her resume makes absolutely no sense, but it’s helped her become exactly who she needed to be to create the impact she’s making in the world.

Here’s a teaser of her journey:

  • Studied engineering, decided to NOT pursue it… and instead chased her dream to produce movies.

  • Produced her first Hollywood movie for Walt Disney Studios at age 27.

  • Crowdfunded $45k to cross America’s urban/rural divide, proving her commitment to social change and inclusivity.

  • Spent over two decades as one of the only women in the room coaching and consulting with men building tech startups and Fortune 500 businesses.

  • Today, she’s combined her curiosities for storytelling, neuroscience, metaphysics, psychology, business and technology to help humans know themselves, live on purpose, get sh*t done, make money, and be the change they want to see in the world.

This is most CERTAINLY part 1 of many continued episodes with Susanne…

But today, here’s what you can look forward to learning:

  • How to harness the “Millisecond Technique” to give yourself the power to choose your emotions (instead of them choosing you)

  • How producing her first Hollywood movie for Walt Disney Studios at age 27 led Susanne to start upgrading herself like software, and why you should too.

  • How you can use a “paintbrush” and “networking by 5” to manifest opportunities and create pathways in your career and life…. and how Susanne used this technique to break into Hollywood.

This is a FUN one, and I can’t wait for you to listen!

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Testimonial Susanne Goldstein Testimonial Susanne Goldstein

Ready to Live in Your Full Power?

For anyone who is interested in living and leading in their full power, I highly recommend engaging with Susanne.

Working with Susanne Goldstein had great impact on the trajectory of my company and my personal path.

Her work as a business consultant and coach allowed me to see how I was limiting my own possibilities as a leader and influencer and helped me clear some important roadblocks so that I could realize more of my potential.

For anyone who is interested in living and leading in their full power, I highly recommend engaging with Susanne.

- Verna Myers, Founder, The Verna Myers Company,
former VP of Inclusion Strategy at Netflix

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Testimonial Susanne Goldstein Testimonial Susanne Goldstein

Jackie’s Story

The "a-ha" moments with Susanne are frequent and amazing - you are bound to be inspired and have behaviors in your life illuminated for the better to enable true growth to begin!

Before Susanne's coaching and the Lead Like a Woman program, I was focused on my own needs, goals and was quite self-centered.

I had a strong habit of judging those around me, which prevented me from working collaboratively in my professional environment, gaining the trust of my colleagues, and on the personal side, being open to meeting different kinds of people in my life.

The Lead Like a Woman program transformed my way of thinking, giving me the tools and insight to fully step into my power and feminine energy and make the choice of giving vs. taking.

I also learned how to control my own habits and behaviors to foster a deeper connection to those around me.

As a result, I am more effective in my personal and professional life and have a brighter perspective on the impact I can have.

The "a-ha" moments with Susanne are frequent and amazing - you are bound to be inspired and have behaviors in your life illuminated for the better to enable true growth to begin!

This is a course I would highly recommend to my coworkers and dearest friends who are willing to invest in themselves and take the next step to being the best "you" possible. 

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Testimonial Susanne Goldstein Testimonial Susanne Goldstein

The Way You See the World Will Change Forever

You will never meet someone who will see you, value you, deepen you, challenge you, grow you, love you and manifest your greatness quite like Susanne.

You will never meet someone who will see you, value you, deepen you, challenge you, grow you, love you and manifest your greatness quite like Susanne.

When you work with her, your life will change in the most amazing ways.

Your mind will expand, your concept of yourself and the world will be forever altered.

She will equip you with incredible tools and frameworks to help you gracefully and easily overcome any obstacle that comes your way, and you will find yourself boldly pursuing the life of your dreams.

Susanne is one of the most brilliant, most clever, most inspiring people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Susanne is a true gem, genuinely one of a kind, the one person you want in your corner.

Tony Cooper
CEO, The Game of Business

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Testimonial Susanne Goldstein Testimonial Susanne Goldstein

Breakthrough Long-Standing Blocks

Susanne helped me release resistance, clarify my path forward and take steps to execute it.

I HIGHLY recommend Susanne. Her coaching is truly transformational. I felt long-standing blocks begin to unlock after my first session. With precision, power and compassion, Susanne helped me release resistance, clarify my path forward and take steps to execute it.

Susanne articulates enlightening frameworks to help you understand the connection between personal, emotional and business growth, and provides powerful tools to help you move forward with strength and grace.

Amy Powers
Best-selling author, NO DEGREE REQUIRED: Network Marketing The Ivy League Way

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Testimonial Susanne Goldstein Testimonial Susanne Goldstein

Helping the Person Who Helps Everyone Else

There is nothing typical about me - I’m quite self aware- which made me a terrible student for a coach. Susanne got me- because she had been there, done that.

After a phenomenal career in television, where I had achieved so much, launched shows and careers for others, I found myself standing at a wall, completely stuck. I wanted to change, needed to change but was literally unable to move.

The helper needed help. I asked a friend to introduce me to someone smart. He said he knew someone who was incredibly smart but not in televison. Smart is smart. Show me someone who doesn’t know what I know.

There is nothing typical about me - I’m quite self aware- which made me a terrible student for a coach. Susanne got me- because she had been there, done that.

She is a rare combination of creativity and intellect- usually you’re one or the other. She is constantly searching, learning and evolving. Susanne got me to think about my career in different ways. I was so much more than one job, one title and one revenue stream. Susanne was able to work with me and speak my language. Make the call.

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Testimonial Becca Testimonial Becca

Army Vet to Company Exec

Through our coaching, I learned how to tell my unique stories in compelling and relatable ways, translate my military experience into operational and managerial corporate positions, and develop the confidence to build a robust network and business life.

As a career Veteran, making the shift from military to civilian life after decades of service isn’t a straight line.

I hired Susanne Goldstein as a coach after reading her superb book, Carry a Paintbrush: How to Be the Artistic Director of Your Own Career.

Through our coaching, I learned how to tell my unique stories in compelling and relatable ways, translate my military experience into operational and managerial corporate positions, and develop the confidence to build a robust network and business life.

Susanne is an outstanding listener, problem-solver and counselor. I could not recommend her more highly to anyone who is looking to improve their career, their work and their life.

- Bob Kinder, CEO The Kinder Group, LLC

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Testimonial Susanne Goldstein Testimonial Susanne Goldstein

Susanne was … was absolutely essential to our success moving forward.

Susanne was … was absolutely essential to our success moving forward.

When Susanne came into our organization, we had projects that were in literal disarray. There was distrust and discomfort and many basic misunderstandings that were threatening our success. Through honest, open discussions, Susanne was able to clarify the misunderstandings, bring us to a new agreement about working together, and was absolutely essential to our success moving forward. She was literally a “change agent”

Annette Sawyer
Museum of Science Boston 

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